An anagram, by definition, is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman. The original word is known as the subject of the anagram. Someone who explores and creates anagrams is an Anagrammatist. 
The assignment was to channel your inner Anagrammatist and choose a subject and animate the anagram. The catch was that the words could never be on the screen at the same time. The environment was to be kept simple and to focus on animating the individual letterforms.
The anagram I chose was Postmaster turning into Stamp Store. I liked how the meanings of the two words were related. Keeping with the theme of the words, I chose to model different iconic postal items; international postboxes, letters, etc.


A project from a class at SCAD Atlanta animating the transformation of an anagram from one word into another. Music: "Dandelion" by TexasMusicFo Läs mer
