Perfil de Jeroen ClausPerfil de Fabian Breës

DiBO IBH-S Industrial Pressure Cleaner

From first sketch to production, we designed this machine's roto moulded body parts. The product does not only stand out from its looks: a clever architecture keeps down prices for all configurations and a nifty user interface makes for an easy, straightforward use case.

Exploratory sketch work from the early stages of the designing phase. This exercise helped us get a feeling with the product, its dimensions, proportions and most importantly to get a hint of the direction our client preferred.

Fairly early into the process we played with light and shadow on top of a rough 3D chassis and components underlay. This exercise provided insight into the possibilities of dynamic design over the volume we had as our boundary box.

To push the envelope and open up the scope of possibilities, we stretched the amount of early quickdesigns and incorporated a few less obvious form studies. These were all quick and dirty proposals on top of various product architectures we generated in 3D.
The previous exercise culminated into a series of final proposals. Built around a set of predefined chassis architectures, our most daring and innovative ideas were pitched. From this series, one concept was chosen to be developed into a real life product.​​​​​​​
Final sketches of the IBH-S product. These drawings finalised the general design direction of the water cleaner. The following phase brought the sketched design to life in 3D CAD.

A digital rendering of the final product. The design quality is unmatched in this price category of products. All parts are designed for production using rotomolding. Our hallmark dynamic automotive styling is baked deep into the look of the panels, maintaining their sturdiness and sound muffling qualities.​​​​​​​

A variety of compressor types can be bolted into the same chassis. The hood is designed to accomodate all preselected types. This way one design fits a wide array of product types.​​​​​​​

The power cord can be wound around the center user console for storage. User research exposed that the cabling and tubing often provides a lot of hassle and clutter when this type of cleaner is being stored away. The user console, in its turn, seals off the water tank, which sits at an angle inside the pressure cleaner. Hard wiring this kind of intelligence into the mold design significantly lowers production cost and more importantly increases cost-efficiency of the molds.

An orderly interface connects everything that needs to be addressed by the user in order to run the machine. A black line starts at the power cable (below), passes by chemicals-input and water supply, through the main power switch and ends at the console where water temperature is selected.

DiBO's new state-of-the-art warm water boiler is more economical to run and better for the environment. Sitting proudly in front of the machine, it ensures optimal balance of the chassis, as the water tank is positioned at the rear.​​​​​​​

Rendered shadow passes were used to finalize the modelling phase. These renderings are key to assess surface imperfections on the model, that, if not discovered, would make it to the production model. 
The entire product was modelled to reality in SolidWorks. From these files, the production model was made.
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DiBO IBH-S Industrial Pressure Cleaner
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DiBO IBH-S Industrial Pressure Cleaner

DESIGN BY FRANK co-designed an industrial warm water cleaner for Belgian Cleaning Systems company DiBO.

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