The A.I.A (Autonomous Intelligent Automobile) project was my MA diploma work at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Budapest).
The Autonomous Intelligent Automobile is a vehicle beyond today's technologies, shaping a complex system, where the concept of the smart car can be associated not only with the software interfaces but the car's whole bodywork by the implementation of innovative materials. Where the car does not only follow the instructions of the users but fully cooperates with them. The vehicle is capable of formal changes to satisfy the needs of the passengers inside, the best possible way. Developing an eye-catching and forward-looking design was an important aspect during the design process. The concept is a prediction of what trends might appear in vehicles by the middle of the century and how they will become more like living structures instead of machines.


The A.I.A. is a concept vehicle which introduces the possibilities that innovative materials offer in the future.
