On The Cards - Greetings card design competition for Paper Rose.
Format/Innovation category – the best use of new innovative ideas in formats, paper engineering or new materials.
I wanted to create something that the recipient interacted with above and beyond a typical card. Where there is an element of revelation, something that is not expected. This was in order to produce a card that is memorable and make it something you would want to keep because it is unusual.

I have created a range of three cards, each for a different occasion, that use a pull out mechanism revealing an image to compliment the message of the card. I have chosen famous Renaissance paintings as a theme within the range, contrasted with a message written in slang/text talk to create a sense of juxtaposition to give them a humorous tone.
POS would be used to inform potential customers that the cards have a pull out function. 
Awarded Highly Commended in the Format and Innovation category.
On The Cards

On The Cards

Greetings cards - Format and Innovation category.


Creative Fields