For my thesis project I designed a company called esc who's goal is to get people off of their computers and in to the real world. I executed all of the photography for the calendar as well as adding a variety of illustrations. I also designees three business-cardsletterheads and envelopes for three of the employes. The imagery for the president's business-card is used on the packaging for the calendar the image form the designer's card is used on the cover and the introductory spread uses the image for the accountant, to make sure that the employes are well represented and appreciated.

I displayed the company's desire to get people off the computer by hand writing all of the type, and using hand drawn images. The images demonstrate activities one could be engaged in out of the house. I chose not to use color in the illustrations to contrast with the images and I chose to not use figures to further push the need for people to be involved with the activities.


esc, senior thesis project based around a non profit organization that's goal is to get people to esc the computer n reconnect with reality.


Creatieve disciplines