The Feel Good Drinks Company
The challenge

one word. awareness.
we know that when someone tries one of our drinks, they’ll give it a big thumbs up. The trouble is, not enough people know who we are. so we’re looking for creative ideas that will dramatically raise awareness of our drinks, and just how darn tasty they are. we need you to think big - we want to see ideas that stop people in their tracks and make them feel instantaneously good, so good that they will grin from ear to ear. Below are two briefs. let your creative taste buds be tickled and take your pick (of course if you’re feeling very industrious, we won’t stop you doing both...)

The Brief
make us famous.
create a campaign that communicates 3 simple things: our brand name, what our drinks look like and that our drinks are choc-full of natural, tasty, fruitiness. and do all this in a way that is unique, memorable and makes people laugh.
Feel Good Drinks
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Feel Good Drinks

Feel Good Drinks print campaign.

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