Michael Matera sin profil

Rethinking internal communications

Working with a “mission-critical” organization adds many levels to: you better get this right. There’s no doubt we felt this way when redesigning an intranet for Harris Corporation, an aforementioned global provider of mission-critical communications products, systems, and services to both government and commercial customers.
Ok, you can say it’s just an intranet. Sure, but an intranet is a powerful workflow and communications tool for teams to work more efficiently. Let’s unpack Harris’ intranet.

It had not been redesigned in 7 years.
Usability lost out to “find a space for everyone.”
It lacked appropriate functionality.
Content review came first and there was lots of it. We organized content into purposeful segments, providing better avenues to high priority and most frequently used items.
:: workshop to draw ideas ::
:: paper doll ideas to craft a solution ::
:: wireframes before design ::
Design next, and for the next. Our new design focused on visual organization and cues and alignment with Harris’ brand. Cohesion replaced clutter and dynamic replaced dated.
Rethinking internal communications

Rethinking internal communications

Re-crafting an intranet for a worldwide communications organization


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