Profil użytkownika „Kyle Pendley”

A Splash of Strawberries

This was a class project I did for my Advanced Commercial Photography course. The purpose of the project was to capture a splash while dropping food using strobes to freeze the motion. 
There weren't any constraint really, the only specification was that we had to capture a splash of some kind. Whatever method we used to do that was acceptable.

My process involved a fish tank, two Broncolor Scoro's, to Broncolor Strobes with softboxes, some white foam core, and tethering to Adobe Lightroom. I started off shooting the strawberries from the side of the fish tank, but very quickly I became frustrated having to whipe off the glass after each shot. I decided to shoot from above instead as I thought this gave a different perspective. I really like the result I ended up with by looking down into the "cones" that the strawberries made as they splashed into the water.
A Splash of Strawberries

A Splash of Strawberries

Splash photography using high speed strobes
