Bare Magazine 05.16.

The idea of Bare Magazine came about in the summer of 2015, when a good friend and colleague of mine Deirdre Rawle came to me and said, quite literally:

“I want to make a magazine”
-Deirdre Rawle (Summer 2015)

And so we got to work, without knowing exactly what the work was. Conor Foran soon joined the Bare team as a co-editor, with the role of bringing us back down to earth when we would often find ourselves out in space. We knew we wanted to make a visually stimulating magazine, and then it occurred to us what better way to do so than featuring student artists and designers from our college, NCAD. Our objective then was to expose and promote these students work.  

After much deliberating over who to choose, much difficulty getting financial support and with the creative director re-designing the magazine 18 times (sorry) eventually the first issue of Bare was born in May 2016, which brought with it an opening exhibition with work from all of the students featured in the magazine.
–Lucas Garvey, creative director & designer
See the full magazine here
Magazine Launch Exhibition – Photos by Du Jingze
Bare Magazine 05.16.

Bare Magazine 05.16.

A magazine concentrating on exposing and promoting artists and designers in NCAD, Dublin.
