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Musical Instruments Patent Art

Here are some of my musical intrument patent art designs.  I'm doing to my best to cover as many instruments as possible from the guitar and other string instruments, to wind instruments like the flute & saxophone, and even things like drums and turn-tables.  Visit my website for more awesome Music & Instrument Patent Prints!
The flute is a complex instrument, as illustrated by this patent art published in 1908.  Dark print on a vintage paper texture.  You can find more Wind Instrument Patents on my website!
One of the early electric guitar concepts, this patent was published in 1955.  You can find more Guitar Patent Art on my website!
Although not the original saxophone, this saxophone patent from 1949 still has great illustrations.  White print on a black chalkboard texture.
Musical Instruments Patent Art
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Musical Instruments Patent Art

A sampling of musical instrument patent art designs.

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