Poorvi Sultania 的个人资料

Thinking about (eating) insects

'Thinking about (eating) insects' introduces the subject of entomophagy ( i.e the practice of eating insects) and it's sustainability to the western world. It takes one through my personal journey from being utterly prejudiced towards the practice to the opposite extreme. The book attempts to inform and educate readers of the benefits of eating insects on a personal, communal, social and global scale. 

This book was conceptualized and executed as part of the Final Major Project Academic requirement of my BA ( Hons ) Graphic Design course at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in 2015. I plan to expand on this project in 2021-2022 with a serie Homeware products. 
Thinking about (eating) insects

Thinking about (eating) insects

'Thinking About Eating Insects' documents my drastic shift of perception from - finding insects repulsive anywhere near food to believing how the 阅读更多内容
