Identification system outside agencies.
Mensulada pedestrian signal

CASA CUNA - indoor signs. unmeasured signal

CASA CUNA - Pictogram system for interior signage

CASA CUNA - Pictogram system for interior signage

AFIP - inside signaling system agencies.
Graphic standards manual, and application construtivas

AFIP - inside signaling system agencies. Signal suspended for care posts

CONECTEL - Identification promotional commercial office

CERVI - Identification suspended for positions in the central market

CERVI - Border identification for posts in the Central Market

ANTARTIDA SEGUROS -  Identification of the offices outside Headquarters

AFIP - Identification system outside agencies.
Central modular valance

Dia Supermarkets - interior signage system
Wega - Corporate signage system
COTO - Exterior signage
COTO - Interior signage
COTO - Exterior signage



Portafolio señaletica
