nyc subcommittee of temporary operations and public dissent

The project consists of the conceptualization of an infiltrated agency in the NYC Mayor’s Office. It is a subcommittee committed to building capacity around and practicing infiltration-opening. Besides the experiments and programs, they also collect ideas from the public in decentralized yet connected archives throughout the city. The subcommittee represents a challenge of the current processes of decision making and lack of experimentation in the government, and it comes precisely from inside it. It questions the controlled structure of officiality, creating a temporary autonomous zone, an agency that is deliberately slippery. Being slippery, and thus relating to different audiences and approaches, the project explores the interconnections and mutual influences of zones of fiction, reality and in-between narratives that coexist in the project.
partner employees of the NYC Mayor's Office and Amy Fusselman
school Parsons School of Design / School of Design Strategies
program MFA Transdisciplinary Design
course Thesis
advisors Lara Penin and Clive Dilnot
place New York City, USA
year Spring 2016

nyc stopd

nyc stopd

NYC STOPD is a city agency that exists non-existently.


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