Henkilön Denise Reiffenstein profiili

Amazon Conservation Team-Annual Report

Denise Reiffenstein
ECO-Reboot: Redefining Environmentalism
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) was looking for an innovative approach to marketing how their brand of conservation is unique within the environmental conservation landscape. Picking up on the excitement of Web 2.0, we showcased how is ACT resetting the environmental debate. Critical messaging included ACT's unique approach of working with the indigenous people of the Amazon River basin to help them map, manage and protect their lands. A key partnership we chose to highlight in the report was with Google Earth, who provided GPS devices and mapping software, so that ACT could give the people the tools, technology and training to map the terrain, protect their native lands, and support the bio-diversity of the Amazon basin. I was responsible for the concept, design, production, photography selection, and art direction for this annual report. The annual report received rave reviews by ACT's board of directors, and key ACT donors. This report helped ACT to grow it's donor base and continue it's mission, allowing it to gain the attention of the Jane Goodall Foundation.
Amazon Conservation Team-Annual Report

Amazon Conservation Team-Annual Report

Annual report for Environmental organization.
