Perfil de Au-Rin Phongsobhon

Gillette Fusion Proglide - Launch Activation

Gillette Fusion Proglide
To celebrate the launch of the new Gillette Fusion Proglide. We create a new way of giving out samples which can also engage with the consumers and demonstrate the unique feature of the smooth blades that can make you shave in one go without having to lift your shaver. 
We created a game at our launch event using a big 2 LED screen which represents mirrors. For users to come join our game. The game is simple. First, you come to mirror, preferably with some sort of facial hair. Then you use your finger acting as Gillette Fusion Proglide and shave all your facial hair. An extra point will be added if you can shape all of your facial hair without having to lift your blade. 
You can play single player or challenge another person, whoever got the higher score, you win a free Gillette Fusion Proglide! But that's not the only surprise, the real surprise is that moment when you are done shaving, your facial hair is actually gone, left with your smooth face. Now that's a good blade! 
UX/UI Design
Thank you.
Gillette Fusion Proglide - Launch Activation
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Gillette Fusion Proglide - Launch Activation

Gillette wanted to launch their newest line the Gillette Fusion Proglide in Thailand. So we conducted a lunch event and giving the consumers a di Ver mais

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