This project is work in progress.
At 28 years of age I've lived on 13 different adresses. None as interesting as the one I live now however, which is the Hague. It's quite fascinating to have all these old and different buildings seemingly thrown together at random sometimes. I wanted to create a series of illustrations in which I take the clean lines - the architecture - and see if I could give it a certain feeling or vibe.
I started off taking pictures around the neighborhood, seeing what buildings struck me as cool or pretty, ugly, interesting.. etc.
I really wanted the clean lines the buildings provided, and I wanted to get it spot on, so I decided to trace the photographs for the linework. There's always cars and other obstructions to the full building though, so some creativity was needed.
After that it's colors and detail. I'm gonna be honest: I've not tackeled this project very efficiently. Since it's a personal project, I will play and fool around as much as I can to learn and see where I want to take it.
And that's where I'm currently at! Stay tuned to see these two completed and more added to the series.
My district

My district

A personal project of buildings in my neighbourhood/district
