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Week 4 - AGM Grad Show [UPDATED]

Case Study: Lim Hong Wei 
Title: Finitude
Medium: Acrylic Paint on Inkjet print
Project Description: These works examine the topic of death, and "living. Death is probably the most universal topic that can relate to anybody. It is an end point that everyone will face, yet the uncertainly of death instills fear in us. "Living" includes birth, sickness and loss of loved ones. In life, there is a lot that is beyond one's capability to control. 
I use both painting and photography. Painting gives me the power i seek to change reality.  though it is limited within my canvas. Photography acts as evidence of reality. It freezes a moment into silence. 
" During his exploration, his mother passed away as a result of the deadly cancer. He began to experience a surrealistic state and found that life itself seems to be unreal at times. Nights became quieter and definitely empty. This personal experience was translated into this series of black and white photographs. Some of the photographs were inverted to create tension. At the same time, they create a space between the artist’s mother and the artist." 
(Wmpictures, 2016)
I have decided to chose this exhibitor's work because, the techniques he used is what I am able re-create in a short period. I like how he uses photography and painting to bring out to different kind of things. Painting gives me the power I seek to change reality. though it is limited within my canvas. Photography acts as evidence of reality. It freezes a moment into silence. Within one canvas he is able to capture two things which is close to human being. Reality & Moment. Going to AGM and looking at the photography exhibition was tough as I am not able to see what they trying to bring across to their audiences. Often I will just read and look and if I don't understand I will just move on. Usually those that I am interested are those which are aesthetically nice. However, Luke did share with usually how he will look at the exhibition. First he will just look and try to figure out what the works are trying to bring across, if really can't figured out, he will then read the synopsis of the works to grasp the idea, then look at it again. He also said, students should also color correct their work to bring out the mood, look and feel they want to bring across as it will help to improve the works significantly.
Assignment 4
“Painting gives me the power I seek to change reality. Photography acts as evidence of reality.”
I am focusing on the walls of our void decks. Singapore isn't like other countries whereby where ever you go you will get to see street art / art / graffiti in the public. But I am not encouraging people to vandalism or such but do it the legal way. Have you ever wondered if our void deck's walls are being allowed to showcase people's artwork from the community living in that area wouldn't it be awesome. I am sure every housing area (Hougang, Redhill etc) will have people who do art / street art. But to get permission for the walls it will be a hassle because it will have to sort of go through many different government agencies before getting the final approval. But it will worth the try if there is any chance for it.
I always wished I could paint one or two of the walls seen in my housing area which I will pass by everyday thinking “what if” my work is on that wall. So I went to photograph the possible walls based on how many people will go passed this particular wall every time. Most of them are quite busy routes which people will always walk. Out of all the walls, I will pick 3 and photoshop my works onto the wall.
Photography acts as evidence of reality. In reality, when I photograph the wall, its blank!. We are not allowed to paint/doodle or do anything to the wall unless you get the necessary permission.
In order to change the reality, I will photoshop my works onto the walls which will replace painting in this context.
Wall one
Wall two
Wall Three
Wall Four
Wall Five
Wall Six
Some of the nicer sketches i did and i used 2 out of the 4 shown above. Check out the results as shown below
Final Images 
Wall One & Wall Three is sketched, scanned then photoshop onto the wall. 
Wall Two is a font by Photoshop. 
Sketched > Scanned > Photoshop 
Wall Two 
Wall Three

Wmpictures. (2016). Hongwei. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2016] (2016). admgradshow | Lim Hong Wei. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2016].
Week 4 - AGM Grad Show [UPDATED]

Week 4 - AGM Grad Show [UPDATED]



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