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2015台北設計城市展 - Taipei Design & City Exhibition 2015

臺北設計城市展自2012年舉辦至今,迄今已邁入第四屆,展覽宗旨強調設計對於當代城市發展的貢獻與重要性,作為2016臺北世界設計之都 (World Design Capital 2016 ) 的前哨展覽,2015年臺北設計城市展以「We Are the Power,社會設計=人民力量」作為策展核心主軸,首次串連臺灣多位優異的跨領域設計師與創意工作者,針對臺北城市,探討社會設計在人民生活中不同層面的實踐可能,著重永續城市、社會住宅、指標系統、生活智能等社會議題,為強調群眾參與,在展覽中經由體驗與活動設計鋪陳,讓群眾理解紐帶重新鏈結之意義。社會設計不光只是一件設計商品、口號或理論,而是具有持續推動城市翻轉、有機成長的巨大動能,藉由探討社會設計,理解臺北市民共創的城市價值,並凝聚臺北設計動能與社會意識,打造臺北的文化願景。

「關於那道光 - 翻轉城市的關鍵,眾人凝聚的社會設計力量」
以匯聚與放射的概念提點出今年臺北設計城市展的主題訴求-「We Are the Power」與「人民力量」,把社會設計的核心價值藉由凝聚點的力量翻轉出探聚之光、發聲之筒的象徵符號,由符號的牽引體現社會設計代表的那股動能與力量、那道超越個人與自我的集體榮光。 整體視覺調性以簡單的平面構成組合呈現、搭配不同用途下的空間色塊配置,讓接收者能更主動、開放性的多面向解讀思考,喚起個人藉由參與,凝聚出社會設計之意識。

"A City's Energy and Vision Comes from Its Citizens." 
The Taipei Design & City Exhibition, which was lauched in 2012, is being held for the fourth time this year. The underlying principles behind the holding of the Taipei Design & City Exhibition emphasize the important contribution that design can make to contemporary urban development. As the advanced program of the World Design Capital 2016 (WDC 2016), the 2015 Taipei Design & City Exhibition is themed with "We Are the Power: Social Design = Power to the People." The exhibition will showcase the combined talents of many creative professionals, as well as designers from all walks of life. By focusing on Taipei City, we will explore the implementation and various impacts of social design on people's everyday lives. The 2015 Taipei Design & City Exhibition will address several social issues such as sustainable city development, social housing, directories/signage systems, urban identification, smart living, etc. The public will be able to participate and experience the hands-on exhibits we have to offer, and learn about the importance of reconnecting interpersonal ties. Social design is not only a design product, a slogan, or a theory; it is a phenomenal power that constantly pushes the city forward while facilitating its organic growth. A city's energy and vision comes from its citizens. Through social design, we can gain a better understanding of the true value of Taipei, a city created by its citizens, as well as unite all innovative design ideas and create social awareness.

"The Power of a United Society Is Key to Rejuvenating a City" 
The 2015 Taipei Design & City Exhibition revolves around such themes as “We Are the Power” and “Power to the People,” as illustrated by the phenomena of optical convergence and divergence. A metaphorical point of convergence in and of itself, We uses symbols as light beams vertically or loudspeaker horizontally to emphasize social designs’ core values and dynamic force, which engender a collective sense of honor beyond individuals and selves. The general visual plan for the Exhibition features a simple, 2-dimensional pattern combined with color blocks — arranged in various ways depending on the venue use — to encourage active, open-minded and multifaceted interpretations of the displays. It is also expected to raise individual viewers’ awareness of social design by further involving them in the exhibition.
媒體合作夥伴|GQ Business、Shopping Design、La Vie、Design設計雜誌、DFUN、串串、胡杰、設計發浪
贊助單位|BENQ、Design Butik集品文創、Uniqlo、Home Hotel

2015台北設計城市展 - Taipei Design & City Exhibition 2015

2015台北設計城市展 - Taipei Design & City Exhibition 2015

2015台北設計城市展 TAIPEI DESIGN & CITY EXHIBITION 2015 We Are the Power 社會設計=人民力量 SOCIAL DESIGN WITH (IN)TAIPEI 『城市的能量與願景來自於生活於其中的市民』 "A City's En Leer más
