The collection presents a contrast between nature and the urban scenario of Singapore. The architecture of the island displays a range of influences and styles from different places and periods. These range from the electic styles and hybrid forms of the colonial period to the tendency of contemporary architecture. Therefore, keeping in mind I have tried to showcase the wealth of Art Deco, the style that is architecturally popular in Singapore. The colors that I have used are inspired by Peranakan tablewear, keeping in mind the bright flora of Singapore. Quite apart from the aesthetics of the Art Deco style, I have tried to camouflage the cityscape with the flora. Just like nature grows from the idea of a seed and reaches out to its surroundings, a building or design must grow, as nature grows from the inside out. A building in my design is therefore symbolic of an organism and mirrors the beauty and complexity of nature.The entire series is put together by through the help of collage and all the individual motifs are illustrated first with hand and then converted into vector images.
 The entire series are designed hand drawn first, and then converted into a digital vector. All of them are then to be screen printed as Sarongs with the theme "Singapore" in mind.  The above design comprise the famous UOB Tower, Parkview Square, Selegie Arts Centre and the Capitol Building.
 A close up of the above design. Shows the flora of Singapore- the Vanda Miss Joaquim- a breed of Orchid that is considered the National flower, and the ginger flower which is abundantly found on the island. The flower in the pixels gives a break and breathing space to the intricately illustrated flora and adds a contemporary twist. 
 Another close look at the buildings. The pixelated building on the left adds a contemporary digital feel to the artwork.
 A sample of the sarong printed with silk screen with the above design.
 Another artwork in the series. New elements are added in this design and everything is mirrored down.
A close up of the above artwork.
 Artwork No. 3
Urban Garden
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Urban Garden

The artwork presents a contrast between nature and the urban scenario of Singapore where I have tried to showcase the wealth of Art Deco architec Lire la suite

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