A very common implement for strength competitions, the log is a very challenging object to lift. 
I started mine with scrap lumber left over from another project.
One of the few official guidelines to a log is the handles are parallel to each other and 24" apart.
This process is repeated until the hole goes all the way through the block 
pilot hole,
hole saw to about 1 inch depth
chisel out material
This is where the design took a major change. The plan to make it completely out of wood would make the piece too heavy to lift for my skill level. 
The idea is to use cardboard forms for cement casting and expanding foam to make it round and solid. 

The two end boards were removed and relocated to create a cross shaped core for the log. 
A metal plate to replace the boards for keeping the handles in position within the other boards. 
Test fit
Barrier to keep the foam from getting into the spaces cut for the handles. 
Strongman Log

Strongman Log

Log built from scraps to be used for strongman exercises.
