Infographics Reflection
    To begin, in my infographic in regards to the design rules I have successfully incorporated  a logical colour scheme, consistent font palette, Never Use Display Fonts For Body Copy,Avoid Colour Discord,and Kerning. In regards to the colour scheme I used green when talking about sports since mason is green and I used orange due to the recent release of the division. To confront the font palette I only used two fonts. When I tackled display fonts I used Gunplay-Regular for the body and Polentical Neon Regular for the display text. To prevent colour discor I stayed away from direct compliments being next to each other on the infographic, and when kerning I kept all text well kerned. When it comes to C.A.R.P. I took care of Contrast with green to orange, And with proximity I kept related text alongside their respective Graphic.

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This is my versus infographic I completed in my DID2 class



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