APU APUs profil

Private House Development in Sai Kung

Location 位置: Sai Kung, HK 香港西贡
Type 类型: Residential 住宅
Date 日期: 2014 - 2015
APU participated in a private house development project. The site is located at Sai Kung Clear Water Bay Road, Hong Kong. The total area is 1242.7 square meters and the lot is located on a forbidding hillside surrounded by the woodlands and facing Silverstrand coastline. As a residential project,APU aims to fit the architectural design into the nature through a design concept called “Landscape boxes”. “Box” refers to each individual architectural space and they complete the mountain with keeping the hill’s silhouette with the placing of boxes semi-sunken into the ground and setting back at the top.The “Boxes” become part of the nature and demonstrate the harmony of architecture and the nature. 
APU参与了一项私人独立屋发展规划,项目于西贡清水湾道,地盘总面积为1242.7平方米。地块处于斜坡之顶端,地形险要。斜坡以树林覆盖,并面向银线湾海滩。作为住宅项目,APU认为建筑设计上可以配合山势,做到「依山作势」。项目主题为「山盒子」概念,「盒子」是指一个个距形的建筑空间。在设计理念上,不同大小的「盒子」可组成建筑物的雏形。 「山盒子」的概念是于山上不同的位置摆放不同功能的盒子,形成一个群组,于山的顶端矗立并成为山的一部份。 APU希望将建筑融入于自然环境之中,成为山的一部份,做到「林」中有我,我中有「林」。

Private House Development in Sai Kung

Private House Development in Sai Kung



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