One Rock Magazine

One Rock magazine is a magazine that is all about whiskey. The intended audience are for those interested in whiskey and/or those that enjoy whiskey. As it is alcohol the age demographic starts at 21 and goes up from there. The desired output for this magazine is print. The concept and design of this magazine was created with the collaboration and research of myself and four other designers; Jeff Luciana, Patricia Castelain, Josue Mejia, and Antoine Mingo. Each designer focused on a particular aspect of whiskey and based on the articles chosen, which we gained permission to use, designed the layout to go with it. I submitted the logo concept that was modified with the help of the group to what it is here. I also focused on the history of whiskey, and did one page focusing on a particular distillery. For these spreads, I chose to stick to a grayscale palette, but allowing for the imagery to really be the accents with the rich color of whiskey showcasing itself.

One Rock Magazine


One Rock Magazine

One Rock is a whiskey magazine created by a group of graphic designers.
