Project Management by Rory Firks
ALamo required some time and attention to come up with our final product. The original layout featured a phone booth in the kitchen, very limited kitchen cabinet space, a converted living room to a bedroom, a flawed design that you walked directly into the kitchen, and no real master bathroom for the master bedroom.
First things first, we opened the wall between the kitchen and converted living room, removed the closet and phone booth, and made sure we had plenty of cabinet space. When we removed the phone booth it was quickly realized that we could gain an additional 100 sqft by removing a small wall which created a storage area off the entry door without compromising storage space, or structural security. We had opened the kitchen even more, and created a great living space easily accessible and very functional with the kitchen layout.
Next we wanted to create access to the bathroom from the master bedroom. This was rather easy as the existing layout had a dual vanity against the dividing wall to the bathroom. We removed the vanity, opened the wall, repositioned the toilet, and gave the bathroom a complete overhaul of upgrades. We easily added value to the property just by creating a functional layout throughout.
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Project Management services provided by Rory Firks. Services include providing construction evaluation and analysis, scope of work, budget coordi Daha Fazla Bilgi

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