Tourist place - Signage system (Work in progress)

——  Project  ——
(This project are in progress, it's not finish)

Tourist place, is a wayfinding project.
In all cities, there are a tourist places, but in this places there are a difficulty to see signage like festival place (for example). Move and know where we are when there are a crowd, it's no easy.
So we imagined a signage like a lighthouse. On the sea the sailors use it for see where is the coast. It the same thing here. But we have instead of the big one light, differents level of light : white for direction (arrow) and colors for the name of the place. But read a signal it's not easy if there are just letters so we add an illustration who represent the name of the place, like a symbol. Like that the signage have international language for all international people. We decided to use recycling material cause it's a temporany signage and it use a local material, not use by the differents factories around the city. A signage easy to build and not expensive.

— Research concept by differents mock-up (colors, shapes, signs…)
— Drawing by Juliette Rousset (Designer)
— Drawing by Malgorzata Szymakowska (Designer)
——  Structure  ——
—— Building ——
— Recycling wood material. Use plank of wooden pallet.
— Lighting inside structure.
— Structure protoype
——  To be continue  ——

Tourist place - Signage system (Work in progress)

Проект сделан для

Tourist place - Signage system (Work in progress)

This project are in progress, it's not finish. Tourist place, is a wayfinding project. In all cities, there are a tourist places, but in this pl Развернуть
