Annalise Fogg's profile

Annalise Fogg - n8863253

------ week nine ------
Inspiration for magazine 
First week of the group coming together and discussing what we wanted the magazine to be about. It was decided that desigining with green in the home was the topic and it would branch off into 4 sections. 
------ week nine ------
Facebook page Set up
To allow the group to share ideas, questions, discussions and files a facebook page was made as we all agreed we use it more often than any other communication 
 ------ week ten ------
individual sections and magazine sections
Before class this week the group got together to organise what each section in the magazine was going to be about. Also what section each group member was going to complete. 
------ week ten ------

Selecting typeface's and their textual elements

After selecting typeface's the specific textual elements of each section was chosen. From size, weight, kerning, leading and tracking, each was decided by the group to create a balanced look throughout the magazine. 
------ week eleven ------
magazine layout ideas 
The group began to design the layout for the first few pages to get an idea of what layout we preffered. The editorial has been written so this section has been finalised. 
------ week eleven ------
Choosing gutter widths and jumps in type elements
We have decided on a modular grid layout and a gutter of 5mm so now we can start to put together each page. This is my article page in the section Potted Plants. 
------ week eleven ------
Final title page for Potted Plant section

I have now completed my title page cover for my section of the magazine, i am really happy with the image
------ week twelve ------
Composing my section of the magazine 
My second page of articles in my section of Potted plants completed
------ week twelve ------
Composing my section of the magazine 
Finished my products section
------ week thirteen ------

Composing my section of the magazine 

Completed my first DIY page
------ week thirteen ------

Composing my section of the magazine

Finished my second page of DIY
------ week fourteen ------

Composing Design document section

Working on my section of the design document. Combining our design principles with research and showing why we did what we did throughout the magazine 

------ week fourteen ------
Composing my section of the design document 

Continuing to write my section of the design document. Combining research with our choices of design principles. Completed and ready to hand present on wednesday and hand in. 
------ week fourteen ------

Final magazine printed - photographys
------ week fourteen ------

Final magazine printed - photographys
Annalise Fogg - n8863253

Annalise Fogg - n8863253

Annalise Fogg - n9963253 Magazine project - Tempus Individual and group progress of each week throughout the assessment period
