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anatomy of letters | ancient icelandic letters

anatomy of letters
my final project at the Iceland Academy of the Arts
the book
awarded GOLD in student catagory from Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers 2013
awarded GOLD in student catagory from Art Directors Club of Europe 2013
the book was printed at Oddi printing company in Iceland on Munken Print Cream
the book was bound with special care at Bókavirkið in Iceland
The book is designed and bound in with a hint to educational books in the 1940's.
The information in the book contains bone structure, inner organs, personality and biology of the letters. Also basic typography anatomy.
An example of the information - bone structure of the Ancient letter - æ.
Bone structure of the seven letters in the book. From left: Thorn, High-Ess, Wyn, Rotunda, Ancient-æ, Ancient-ö, Eth. Five of the letters are extinct and two (Thorn and Eth) are endangered.
exhibition at Reykjavik Art Museum 2012
Útskriftarsýning í Listasafni Reykjavíkur
A skull and vertebra's of Rotunda, found in the north of Iceland in 1994. Archaeologist believe that it is from 1250-1300.
A very whole skeleton of Wyn, also found in the north of Iceland in 1993. It is believed that a predator letter slayed the Wyn because it's skull was almost completely broken.
Exhibition at Reykjavík Art Museum 2012.
The Rotunda's skull.
exhibition at Reykjavik Art Museum 2013
Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers
Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers awarded the book 2 price in the category "book design" 
The book and illustrations were also awarded 1 price in the student category
the making of: Anatomy of Letters
a video
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anatomy of letters | ancient icelandic letters
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anatomy of letters | ancient icelandic letters

My final project from Iceland Academy of the Arts. Book about letter anatomy with illustrations.

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