This is an example of my work for school. The objective of the assignment was to represent asymmetrical balance through the use of simple geometric shapes. 
This work is exploratory; I was able to learn a lot of different things about composition and color harmony. This work is a great example of how I blend and mix oils in a work.
This acrylic work is part of a recent focus I have on painting buildings, and I feel it shows how I utilize architectural elements to create an interesting work of art. I hope to further develop my work with painting cities or buildings. 
This work in oil builds upon the previous acrylic work shown above. I had fun playing with scale and different textures. 
This work shows a combination of collage work and acrylic paint to create a scene from my imagination
This work is from a quick class study. 
This acrylic work was purely a fun study of movement and color relationships. 
2016 Portfolio

2016 Portfolio

A compilation of my most recent personal and school related work.
