Bianca Louw profili

SpyTec E-commerce Product Page Redesign

Spytec eccomerce interface update
I was tasked to redesign the Spytec product list page. The old page template was an outdated design pizza of bright yellows and reds that didn't fit the branding of their site and didn't reinforce trust with their users. 

Main project objectives:
- redesign the menu to show to the user more clearly where on the website they are busy browsing
- completely redesign the left filter menu's as users weren't making use of them at all
- introduce a more visual featured product banner
- declutter and make the product items more readable
- create stronger brand recognition

Project outcome as per VWO statistics: 
The implementation of the design changes saw a 100% increase of user interaction on this template, while conversions didn't see a spike, users were spending a lot more time on this section of the website which was a fantastic outcome as the client was tentative in making the change initially. Heatmaps also indicated that the newly redesigned left-hand filter menu was actually being used for the first time ever.
SpyTec E-commerce Product Page Redesign
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SpyTec E-commerce Product Page Redesign

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