Aviva Savings
The communication need for this brief was to:

'Create a piece of communication that encourages the target market to start saving”

The pieces of communication were targeted at people aged 18-25 whom are not active savers.


Fact: For People aged 18-25, saving is something they are aware of but always believe they can start later.
Fact: People aged between 18-25 are some of the biggest consumers of low investment items, such as   alcohol, clothes,

The idea of the campaign came from the idea of “how much is it worth now” verses “how much it will be worth in the future.” Placing a physical value on the figures in a way that out target market would understand.
The use of the images relate to the three main ways in which the target market (18-25) spend their money:

Also the attention factor of these seemingly worthless items being such a ridiculous price will get the target market reading the ad.

The ads are to appear as a full-page print (in student based medias. Student based papers/magazines, university diary), as a metrolite or transport based ad. We feel that this will target the 18-25 audience as they a frequent users of public transport
Aviva Savings

Aviva Savings

Response to the D&AD Brief for Aviva


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