Pop Anak – Anak Vol. 2:
Batman vs Superman

A vinyl album cover art submission for Irama Visual Exhibition

Irama Visual is an event for vinyl, music and art enthusiast. Irama Visual was initiated by Qub TV and Irama Nusantara (Indonesian classic music portal), the objectives is to increase the appreciation and explore the history of Indonesia music heritage and also to encourage people especially the youth to appreciate album cover art, as well as experience the dynamic of Indonesia music.

Batman vs Superman is a children pop song album by Donna Sumarna released by PT Yukawi Corp in 1977. The cover art is re-designed with minimalist graphic to represent the "simplisistic" of children pop music in that era. Honest, simple, straightforward, and easy listening.

Photo Credit: Majalah Cobra

©2016 . adjiherdanto@yahoo.com

Pop Anak - Anak Vol. 2
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Pop Anak - Anak Vol. 2

Pop Anak - Anak Vol. 2 : Batman vs Superman - is a children pop song album by Donna Sumarna released by PT Yukawi Corp in 1977. The cover art is 詳細を表示

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