Startup That Offers Unlimited Flights
For A Monthly Subscription
OneGo had just rebranded with a beautiful new style guide, but needed to make sure that the functional aspects of the site was up to par. As a designer, I redesigned the most interaction-heavy parts of the website, while interpreting their new optimistic branding in a playful way.
Account Page
The most functional page of them all

People arrive on this page because they're excited about OneGo and ready to buy a subscription, but the challenge is they also need to create an account at OneGo. Essentially, the account page merges both a purchase and account sign up flow, which meant there were a lot of fields on this page! I made this process as transparent as possible by creating a three fold layout, with account information on the first fold, subscription purchase on the second, and a confirmation in the last fold that was always visible and updated in real time.


Contact Us Page
Talk to us
V1: The Essentials
Just like any startup, OneGo launched their site as quickly as possible and used an out of the box contact us form. Taking a second pass at it, I realised that this was an opportunity to showcase our new friendly branding and our dedication to
customer service.
The out of the box solution had a lot of lead generation questions and an unhealthy obsession with dropdown fields. I proposed two options: my recommended one that would cull the form down to the essential fields and have lead generation as well as customer service questions as a follow up, and a second option where all current fields were necessary and just needed some design love. In both, I reevaluated our relationship with dropdowns, as they tend to hide information, introduced the friendly tone of OneGo, and made the page about the user.

V2: The Necessary


OneGo is a startup that offers unlimited flights for a monthly subscription. They had just rebranded with a beautiful new style guide, but needed Read More
