Marie Hefti profili

Famous Frenchies in Beijing

The initial idea behind the “famous frenchies” was to help the students to remember better the organization of the venues of the Alliance française. By adding a character beside the classroom number the people would remind easier the different spaces while this signage would add a little touch of culture and fun insides the corridors.
The poster announcing the new signage in the venues of the Alliances françaises in Beijing :
Examples of layouts including the classrooms numbers and the characters :
Sketching the characters...
From sketches to vector artworks...
Later on we got the idea to use them for other promotionnal tools and communication supports : bookmarks, poster, and other goodies which will be later developed by the client in the coming months (stickers, badges, gourds...)

Bookmarks using the illustrations :
Famous Frenchies in Beijing
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Famous Frenchies in Beijing

The initial idea behind the “famous frenchies” was to help the students to remember better the organization of the venues of the Alliance françai Daha Fazla Bilgi

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