bono  was my MA diploma project, developed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland.

bono was selected for make me! exhibition during Lodz Design Festival, in Łódź, Poland (2016).

A large amount of garbage is produced by us every day. From 30 to 50% is organic waste that arise mainly in food preparation in the kitchen. Thrown in mixed form on suburban landfill contribute to harmful effects on the environment.

The project bono allows to recycle organic wastes in home with the help of earthworm compost species Eisenia fetida. The resulting from the processing of waste is fertilizer – an excellent source of nutrients for plants grown in the home: herbs, vegetables or seasonal fruits.

A video showing the production process and the use bono
filmed by me &
1 / The first step is to prepare the ground. At the bottom of the tank, put a damp paper, sprinkled garden soil and add shredded newspaper. You can then enter earthworms ready for processing organic waste
little helpers - Eisenia fetida
 2 / Daily use. Add peels of fruits and vegetables (avoid citrus fruits, meat and dairy products). You can add coffee grounds, and once a week sprinkle the surface of fragmented shells of eggs (help to maintain an appropriate level of ph)
 3 / The base has a sliding shelf, into which is inserted a bowl, into which drip liquid from the main tank. The fluids can be used for watering plants.
 4 / Harvest. After 2-3 months you can begin to collect biohumus. It is a high value fertilizer, containing valuable microelements. This will certainly help in a domestic plant growing.
Detailsbono main tank is made of powder coated aluminum. The base and the cap are made of expanded cork.

Production: turning of expanded cork and spin forming of almuminum



bono - organic recycling in your home Master project A large amount of garbage is produced by us every day. From 30 to 50% is organic waste tha Read More
