10 Amazing life hacks
Because lets be real you're always looking for a "jol", an escape, an easy way to get things done. Sometimes you are just stuck and you're "jol bank" is just exhausted.But guess what,the suns smiling at you. Here are 10 amazing quick-and-easy life hacks that will get you out of any situation.
1.       Smelly shoe- smeellly shoe?
 Having trouble with bad shoe ordour? Guess  that tea addiction finally came to some use.
Put aa dry tea bag in smelly shoes, it’ll absorb all the odors.
2.       Want to have the perfect  home décor ?
This life hack lets you have perfect lanterns at a low cost for your perfectly cozy room.
Pour water iin a jar. Add a glow stick. Voila you have the perfect lantern.
3.       Donut craving?
Love krispy kreme but you’re out of your pocket? If Johnny Depp is your all time favorite pirate you just got yourself a free donut.
Dress up like a pirate, et free dozens f donuts on September 19th, at Krispy Kreme.
4.       Text Fails?
That time when you were in a hurry and sent a “love you bae” text to your professor, luckily this life hack just saved you from a detention.
Put your hone on airplane mode. Nce the text fails to be delivered, delete it. Thank me later.
5.       Insomnia much?
Take notes of your sleeping position n the morning and sleep in the same position the following night, helps you sleep better.
6.       Wire-o-tangle!
Hate how all your wires keep tangling and ultimately break. Well here’s what you can do to save time and save yourself the trouble.  Use paper clips! So simple!
7.       Girl problem?
Want to take that girl out on a date but don’t know how to put your best foot forward?  Make sure your shoes are well polished, because you don’t want to lose her to someone with shiner shoes!
8.       Migraine?
Those days when your head really hurts and you just don’t know what to do? Now know the exact cause of your problem and see your headache slowly disappear.
9.       No connection ?
Need to connect with your family but the wifi at the airport is really expensive. Well now you’ll be really happy, because wh doesn’t love free wifi.  Add “?.jpg” at the end of the URL and bypass te expensive wifi. You’re welcome!
10.   Movie time
Another reason to go to the movies now, POPCORN! If you’ve been dragged to the movies with your boyfriend and can’t stand it at all, buy yourself a guilt free popcorn tub cause it comes with more benefits then you thought.
Image Source – Life Hacks
Information Source – Google 
Life hacks

Life hacks

some of the most handy life hacks


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