The idea is to create a gallery of characters that mean something to me.
The trick is to use their initials (or a letter) and some geometrical shapes.
The goal is to reach the complete alphabet.
The game is on... :-)
Brad Pitt, awesome actor... period!
Hugh Laurie in House MD, what a character... :-)
Jim Morrison, the Doors, the lizard king, An American Poet, ...
Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, legendary lefty...
Michael Jordan, the one and only. There is no substitute...
Prince, His Purple Highness...
Sven Nys, Mr. Cyclocross, the best cyclocross rider in the world
Zinedine 'Zizou' Zidane, in my opinion the most graceful soccer player ever...
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Just foolin' around with characters, musicians, athletes, ... i think are legendary.

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