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Vanishing Shanghai - Ad campaign

reintroduce vanishing Shanghai tricycle shops to Hong Kong citizens 

                                                                                                                (Group project by Lai Man Wai, Pang Lap Wai)
This project aimsto reintroduce one vanishing object in Shanghai in to Hong Kong citizens.

Target object
Tricycle Shop

About tricycleshop
Due to the rapiddevelopment of Shanghai city, tricycle shop is one of the business activitiesnow vanishing from Shanghai. Tricycle Shop is a shop affiliated with a bicycle,having one large front wheel and two or more small rear wheels at the back,propelled by pedaling.

Tricycle shoptravels around the city and do business. Most of the shops are selling onecategory of goods only. This kind of shops has high mobility, as the prime costof operating a tricycle stop is much more cheaper than a store, citizen withless capital can make their live with these shops.

But with thechange of business operating and shopping model, the characteristic of thetricycle shop becomes its weakness. With the introducing of the supermarket andconvenient store, citizens prefer to shop in store with verities of productsand goods. And the government also started to prohibit the operating oftricycle shop, because there’re risks of knock over when the tricycle shopcarried too many stocks.

Tricycle shops’ operating systemshowed the nimbleness of Shanghai citizen, also presented as a symbol ofharmonized society, which big or small business can coexist. Therefore,tricycle shop has its own value and should not be eliminated through citydevelopment.

To repackage the tricycle shops intoa medium not only doing business, but also introducing Shanghai’s uniqueculture and architecture to Hong Kong citizen with an advertising campaign.Through out the campaign, citizen can understand more about Shanghai and henceit can persuade them travel to Shanghai.

Mock up client
Shanghai tourism board

Target Audience
Hong Kong citizens, especially middleclass citizens. According to statistics from HK census and statisticsdepartment 2010, middle class citizens are aware of society issues likeconservation and curious on events happening online.

Tone and Manner
Poetic ,funny, exciting

Detail of the campaign
Thewhole campaign will include 4 different parts:

1.  Marketing Event
2.  Printadvertisements
3.  Onlineadvertisement
4.  TV advertisement

while the marketing eventwill be the main focus of the whole campaign, print ad, online ad and TVad will work as supporting.

Campaign Title

「十里」 meansthe ten miles streets at Shanghai's concession area in an east-west,as known as the bund nowadays. (From the Chinese Idiom 「十里洋場」, means Shanghai)
尋輪 is the process of the wholetreasure hunt campaign.


Story packaging the whole campaign:

杜月笙(1888﹣1951),人稱「上海皇帝」,是近代上海青幫(今稱黑社會)中最著名的人物。他一生充滿傳奇色彩,小時候曾在水果店當店員。 及後得到當時青幫頭目黃金榮賞識,獲派負責私運鴉片,兇險的江湖生涯正式拉開序幕。
1937年,日本侵華, 杜月笙積極投入抗日活動,包括動員門生協助國軍作戰,運送物資、策劃多次暗殺漢奸的活動、籌建醫院,救護隊等,為八年抗戰作出重大的貢獻。
杜月笙死後,江湖流傳他在抗戰時期上海淪陷,準備流落香港之時、匆忙之際,把一件珍貴、價值連城的寶藏藏於上海外灘某個地方。而藏寶地方的線索就在 眾多身在外灘,杜月笙小時候用來賣生果的謀生工具 - 單車商店之中。於是後人虎視眈眈,各出奇謀想將寶藏據為己有,奪寶大戰一觸即發...

Du Yue-sheng(1888-1951), known as the "Shanghai Emperor", is the most famous ­characterin modern Shanghai Green Gang (now known as triads). In his legendary life, heworked as a clerk at the Fruit Shop when he was still a child. And beingappreciated by the leader of Green Gang -- Huang Chin-jung, he was responsiblefor the smuggling of opium, and kick off his dangerous life.
Hewas smart and cunning, also considerate and arty. With outstanding personality,he can become Shanghai's most influential gangster figures within ten years. Heset foot in Shanghai the financial sector, politicians, also triads.
In1937, the Japanese invasion of China, Du Yue-sheng actively involved inanti-Japanese activities, including the mobilization of disciples to assistmilitary operations, to transport materials, plan activities several times to assassinatetraitors, to build hospitals, rescue teams, and make a significant contributionbetween the eight-year war.
Afterthe fall of Shanghai, Du Yue-sheng moved to Hong Kong continuing to secretlycarry out anti-Japanese activities. With the fall and victory of Hong Kong, hehas been to Chongqing and returned to Shanghai repeatedly. Eventually in 1951 he was died at HongKong because of an asthma attack, at 63 years old.
AfterDu Yue-sheng death, somebody spread out a rumor: When he rushing to Hong Kongafter the fall of Shanghai city during the war, he hidden a precious, pricelesstreasure somewhere in the Shanghai Bund. The clues of finding the treasure wasleave in many places in the Bund—The tricycle shop, which Du Yue-sheng used tosell fruit to make a living when he was a child. So an Indiana imminent warstarted…

1. Marketing Event
The event 《十里尋輪》will located at ShanghaiBund during July and August, while 30 tricycle shops will be set up there forthe event. People can enjoy sightseeing, culture and heritage learning,shopping also experiencing the exciting treasure hunt game we provided forthem.

About the treasure huntgame:
QR code willhidden inside the tricycle stalls on the Shanghai bund, Player can install theApps we create for this event, and use their mobile to capture the code toexchange coupons, also who capture all 30 codes can join the final lucky drawto get the “Hidden Treasure” from Du Yue-sheng.

About the treasure:
Final answer (Treasure) are those 30 tricycle shops as on one hand, tricycle shop is his childhood memory as he rided on it to sell fruits; on the other hand, they are valuable to all Shanghai citizens as it is part of their history and should not be vanished.

About the tricycle shops:
4 types of tricycle shops will be set up, we will keep the characteristic of tricycle shop, and each car will only have one featuring theme or selling a single type of product. Every day 3 cars will move around Shanghai Bund.
2. Print Ad
3 posters in a set will beposted up to promote the 《十里尋輪》event.
3. Online Advertisment
Online promotion will be divided into 3 media, anofficial website, iPhone Apps and Weibo.

a. Official website
A official 《十里尋輪》website will be launchonline before the event, both traditional ,simplified Chinese and Englishversion will available for Hong Kong citizen.

There’ll be 2 periods, before and after the TV realityshow.

First period will contain travel information in Shanghai, alsothe promotion of the treasure hunt event. People can guess what is the treasureonline, and person with right answer may have a free trip to Shanghai. We hopeto seek for audience attention in this period.

Second period, after the outcome of the treasure, citizen can vote for their favorite tricycle shop and suggest what kinds of stalls or artist they want us to invite. The suggestion with the highest vote will be invited, it keep the campaign remain fresh to the audiences and be sustainable.
b. iPhone App
A iPhone app which contain travel information, also the de-code function andalso the hints for the treasure hunt game launching in Shanghai Bund.
c. Weibo and Facebook
People may check-in at the place they found the code and share among friends.People can follow them to find out the code and enjoy free coupons. Socialmedia would helps to spread out the news quickly too.

4. TV reality show
A TV show will be show atlate August for ending the first period of the treasure hunt game. Two teams ofcelebrities will be invited to join the reality show in Shanghai. Thecelebrities will got different tasks to work on before get to the right placeand right answers. As it’s a reality show, the guest will not know the taskscontent before the game. And the hidden treasureof the game actually is the tricycle shop Du Yue-sheng owned when he was small.The fastest guest who finds out the answer will win the challenge and get theprize.

And the aim of having such a TV show is to demonstrate the excitement and the fun of this treasure hunt game and show to HK citizensthe that they can also participate and enjoy it. At the same time, they can have a clear view of what our campaign is exactly doing and hence this can encourge HK citizens come to Shanghai.

The idea was come out from the popular urban action variety TV show (런닝맨) RunningMan which shown inSouth Korean. This programme awarded as 2010 Netizen(SouthKorean) Most Popular Program. The MCs and guests play games and carry outmissions in a
landmark,and are required to win missions to get prizes.
Vanishing Shanghai - Ad campaign
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Vanishing Shanghai - Ad campaign

To repackage the tricycle shops into a media not only doing business, but also introducing ShangHai’s unique culture and architecture. At the sam Lire la suite

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