Scientific Illustration of Rare Cakes

Brief: Pedrita Design Studio asked me to collaborate in the book “Fabrico Próprio – The Design of Semi-Industrial Confectionery”  a 332-page, hardcover book dedicated to Portuguese confectionery and its relation to design.Reflecting the importance of this universe in our culture and society, it is primordially an encyclopaedic record of several specimens of Portuguese daily confectionery cakes photographed and shown close to real scale. this compilation – the first consistent record ever conducted in our country on this kind of food products – is joined by introductory texts, historic notes and also a confectionery glossary.
The book also includes perspectives from 23 Portuguese and foreign professionals, which can be found along its pages in the form of three essays and several sections. Photographers, illustrators, architecture and food critics, a chef and an art curator take Portuguese semi-industrial confectionery as a source of inspiration, offering unexpected approaches to this surprising world.

My Work: First I did a survey in many Cake Shops to find the rarest (strangiest) cakes. Then I acquired the specimens and draw them as if they were archaeological artifacts: with front and rear views, crosscuts, and added a scale and a caption to show the different materials. This was probably one of the best projects I've participated as it was so completely crossdisciplinary (design, food, journalism, events, international launches)...Have a look at the project website

Fabrico Próprio

Fabrico Próprio

Throughout the country we find cakes that surprise us by their extraordinary qualities, either in their size, sweetness or exceptional variations Meer lezen


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