Perfil de Nathan Sprenkle

Immigration Reform - Political Photorealism

A project in photorealism and political satire based on the current discourse of the 2016 presidential debates. This project imagines a future where our society builds up physical and cultural walls rather than being welcoming (a la Donald Trump).
This project composites over half a dozen images in the final resultant image shown below. The image depicts a playground of the future where children are divided by barbed wire (bearing the text "Jim Crow") because of their backgrounds.
This second image is an experiment in experimental grids. Based off an image of an architectural interior, this image reimagines elements from the first in a geometrically unachievable space.
Note - These images are meant purely satirically. Though they bear the NNIRR name, this work is not affiliated with or commissioned by NNIRR. The branding is meant to show how a poster design might be used by an existing organization in the imagined future.
Immigration Reform - Political Photorealism
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Immigration Reform - Political Photorealism

A project in photorealism and political satire depicting a future in which we build up physical and cultural walls.

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