Jessica Roths profil

3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Samples of Art Work

5th Grade Hudson Valley River Pastel Drawings
inspired by Hudson Valley Artists
4th Grade- Impressionist Painting inspired by
Claude Monet's Haystacks
4th Grade Collage inspired by the artist, Henri Matisse
4th Grade Ceramics- Animal Coil Pots
3rd Grade Native American Sand Art
3rd Grade Mexican Yarn Paintings
5th Grade Landscape inspired by Chinese Brush Painting
4th Grade Rainforest Drawing
4th Grade Ceramics- Creative Coil Pots
5th Grade Chinese Brush Painting
3rd Grade Cubist Collage using Sticker Paper
3rd Grade Printmaking Project
3rd Grade Window Hangings inspired by the Audobon Society Paintings of Birds
5th Grade Pastel Drawing insprired by the Hudson Valley River Artists
4th Grade- Chinese New Year Scrolls
Grade 5 Op Art
Pop Art Grade 5
African Art Murals by 3rd Graders, Mask by 6th Graders
3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Samples of Art Work

3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Samples of Art Work

Samples of Student Art Work, Grades 3-5


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