"Camp Festival" is based on Greek´s culture with an emphasis on their awesome mythology.
Each day is dedicated to a deity as an offering. 

SOFT -  AFRODITA (Goddess of love)
WILD - ARES (God of War)
FLOW - ATENEA (Goddess of Wisdom)

Which God do you identify with?

The concert starts with a calm, soft music. Afrodita will dance with you to the musical rhythm giving all her love. 
What if we bring the character to life? Much better like that!
The second day is the wildest by far. How's that war cry going? Ares will shout with you until losing his voice. Long live rock and roll!

What if we bring the character to life? HURRAH!
Please don't stop the music! Atenea and the little owl of wisdom are the best company to enjoy the best rap verses, yeah!
What if we bring the character to life? What an owl! so cool!
These are some mockups. It's not because the design is mine, but it's pretty cool. 
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Please, don't forget the t-shirts to live an awesome experience. 
That's all folks! Lets to dance!

Camp Festival

Camp Festival

Diseño de la campaña "CAMP FESTIVAL" para la cual se han creado tres pósters anunciando cada estilo de música, la app, el anuncio del periódico y Read More
