Caitlin Litts 的个人资料

Week 15-Progress is progress!

This is when I applied a material to almost everything, I don't like the reflection on the wood. Tried adding the bump to the wall, came out too bright! Multiple renderings this weekend to master this, not sure. Deleting lightbulbs, rendered with tons of different settings. I do like the chair detail of the fabric though!
This is when I added the chalk and bump -4 for the stone indention. I'm not sure where the blue comes from, but I love the beer being transparent! I really want this scene to come out awesome. I plan on spending next 10000 hours on this! I even added behind the liquor bottles to be a mirror and you can see the shadow a little bit. 
I really love the scounce here, how clear it came out, the lighting is literally the hardest and most tedious. I did try to research in my book, although I will master this in next few days. I've tried plenty more but this is the most clear so far! 
This is when I changed my flooring to a completely different material, changed the tile to shiny medium. Also applied the chalk render setting. Don't try this, I like how the furniture is bumped up but the lighting is very frustrating. 
Week 15-Progress is progress!

Week 15-Progress is progress!

Finalizing week, before the big high resolution images are due.

