Kelly Floyds profil

DayOne Response Waterbag Ad Campaign

   DayOne Response Waterbag


Magazine Ad

Web Ad

Guerrilla Marketing

This tactic would feature faux wells in large metropolitan cities. When the consumer looks into the well, which they will inevitably do, floating on the surface of dirty water will be different facts about contaminated drinking water. In an extended version of this marketing strategy (or a second strategy altogether) there would be a booth set up nearby giving out water that has been purified with the DayOne Response Waterbag. Below are also examples of insulated cups which simulate what it may look and feel like to ingest dirty, contaminated drinking water. 

DayOne Response Waterbag Ad Campaign

DayOne Response Waterbag Ad Campaign

We were tasked with creating an ad campaign for a product of our choosing found on Amazon Launchpad. I chose the DayOne Waterbag by DayOne Respon Läs mer
