Profil użytkownika „Emily Buchanan”

The Frack Free Bake Off

I was the creative producer and art director of the Frack Free Bake Off, a pastiche of the Great British Bake Off that saw Emma Thomspon and her sister Sophie go head-to-head to bake a renewable energy showstopper in the middle of contested fracking site in Lancashire. 

My role was extensive, including sourcing the set, commissioning and art directing the illustrations, devising the cake designs and recipes, shooting the title sequence, designing the spoofed Bake Off logos, dressing and art directing the set on the day of shooting and liaising with Sophie and Emma to ensure that they had everything they needed to bake two showstopping cakes in pretty shit conditions - pun intended.

The day after this was released, the Guardian released a report saying that support for fracking had hit an all-time low. Watch the full episode the Frack Free Bake Off below.
The Frack Free Bake Off

The Frack Free Bake Off

Creative direction of the Frack Free Bake Off, starring Oscar award winning actor Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie.
