Profil appartenant à George Eliot

Viper Inspired Stun Gun

Gaboon vipers, the inspiration for this project is one of the many vipers found in Africa. Its the largest and heaviest snake in the Bitis genus, making it visually very muscular and aggressive.
Here i have tried to achieve the visual essence of the snake (Muscularity and Aggression) through an abstract form. 
Final abstract form.
A quick study of the internal components, functions, present brand language and volume of the product.
This model was completely hand built. The parts were chiseled out in MDF and then vacuum formed in polistyrene.
Photo credits: Parashar Agravat and Priyanshu Bhargava
Model: Parashar Agravat
Viper Inspired Stun Gun
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Viper Inspired Stun Gun

A stun gun inspired by the visual attributes of a viper.

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