Beauty In Ruins, that's the title of this series or project i embarked on.
I come from a messed up but beautiful country with Great People and Brains, called Ghana.
I embarked on a photowalk one Saturday morning with Instagramers Ghana (@igersGhana),
We were celebrating Earth Day and this same walk was happening in various countries all across the world.
The walk for us in Ghana, ended at Parks & Gardens. The norm is Parks/Gardens are opened on weekends for families and friends to come hangout. This was't the case for us, It took a long talk from our leader of the walk to convince the security man. The leader eventually talked his way into them allowing us in. Upon entering i was amazed on how dead the place looked. Very heart breaking. Lots of weeds and ruins but even in this state the was a bit of beauty calling out to be admired.
I pray Parks & Gardens gets a face lift in the coming future.
Beauty In Ruins


Beauty In Ruins

Reporting the facts through the lens

