Profil appartenant à Angelic Empyress

Harmony Hare : Jedi Amilia

What are Harmony Hares? The Harmony Hares are a playful bunch of magical creatures discovered on the Angora Moon in the Astria Galaxy. Said to be the pets of the Angelic Empyress, each one carries the essence of a special virtue in its heart. Legends says that they can change the aura of the atmosphere around it using its virtue.
Jedi Amilia is a custom Harmony Hare I made for my mom who is a Star Wars Fanatic. She was a lot of fun to make!
Amilia is the first Hare with such a large headdress, sort of an experiment since she takes inspiration from Amidala. I love the way it turned out. She is made from a larger base than most of my other hares so her arms are a lot shorter.
I love doing customs, since they represent the personality and likes of the client! Hope to do more of these in the future :)
Harmony Hare : Jedi Amilia
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Harmony Hare : Jedi Amilia

Harmony Hares are a brand of dolls AngelicEmpyress created as part of her original fantasy world. They are also a species that appears in her pub Lire la suite

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