Caitlin Litts 님의 프로필

Week 14-Shaderlight Renders

Starting from earlier in the week, these settings weren't set up corectly. So since then you can see I've renders with different settings, adjusting shaderlight materials. I like the light coming in, but I think setting up with sketchup lighting itself will be what I'll be looking into. One good thing is my mac has a high graphics card and making rendering fast! 
Learning about the spotlights, the countertop is concrete so I don't want it too shiny. I'm going to put a low light behind the bottles. I have too many spotlights above the bar area. I put in a cloud with spotlights. Achieving more. This is a 4th try with lighting. At least not getting the fuzziness!
The floor I used the shaderlight carpet, for auto, I will be changing my floors. I love the wine barrel, although I've been playing around with the wine cooler being transparent and trasnslucent. The stairs I've achieved the glass look with the shaderlight material. Adding lights in the back area, But first I want to have the lighting set up in the dining room perfectly. I do have clooud lighting at the 20'-0" ceiling that's where you can see th vast amount of light oming from which I will be adjusting (set up at the direct light). 
I don't like the floor, I put on a skylight portal on the windows, but it's too strong I don't like the blueness. I'm coming to bring the ceiling lighting down a lot. Change some of the textures. Not getting the lighting results I want but it's just matter of adjusting the light. Been reading up upon the sketchup sky or having artifical lighting on my renderings, Been playing around with various settings. So far this is the best for this view. 
This view was to get a glimpse about the materials from above, Not using the sketchup sky settings before rendering and also, putting a reflection on the windows. I like the inside view for my night scene but I'm going to be renderings for a daylight and nighttime scene. The main thing is changing the materials I think I'll be looking at my inspiration. Alhough, this is a bigger scene; my intentions are to learn about the lighting which is what I think will be the main time consuming. 
Week 14-Shaderlight Renders

Week 14-Shaderlight Renders

This week, I've learned about the lighting elements for the rendering process. Adjusting with the shaderlight settings, skylight portals, direct/ 자세히 보기


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