Profil użytkownika „Alexandre Santos Gillan”

Energia Sustentável - Sustainable Energy

This campaign was driven by a powerful visual narrative, aiming to raise awareness about the impact of electricity consumption on the environment. The campaign's centerpiece was a switch featuring an "on" and "off" position. On one side, a poignant image depicted a devastated forest with trees cut down and destroyed, representing the consequences of wasting electricity.

 On the other side, the switch showed a striking contrast: a vibrant, green, and preserved forest, symbolizing the positive impact of conserving energy. The campaign's message was clear: by turning off lights when not needed, we can actively contribute to the preservation of our precious environment. The powerful imagery sought to visually engage the audience, urging them to make conscious choices and embrace sustainable practices in their daily lives, ultimately leading to a greener and more sustainable future.

Energia Sustentável - Sustainable Energy

Energia Sustentável - Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Energy campaign project for UNIVÀS ( Sapucaì Valley University- Brazil) Projeto de campanha sobre energia sustentável para UNIVÀS.
