Fight Club
Personal project
This is a video about Fight Club. Or maybe a tribute to Fight Club. It's hard to say, the first rule is you do not talk about it.

Fight Club is one of my favorite movies (the book is also good, but in different ways). One of the songs on the soundtrack features Tyler Durden quoting lines from the movie, which seemed to be perfect for a motion graphics piece. As I was just starting to learn Cinema 4D at the time, I decided to do the entire thing in C4D.
I wanted to challenge myself and try to portray the feelings and ideas of the movie/book in an abstract way. I added a bit of kinetic type for emphasis and to break up the stream of imagery. While the song provided the narrative structure, I used screencaps from the movie as a basis for the color pallatte and stylistic aestetic.
Everything seen originally came from C4D and was composited in After Effects.

Above all, I do not own Fight Club, either the book or the movie, nor do I claim any rights to those properties or monetary benefit. I just wanted to make something fun and cool looking.

So enjoy! And remember, the second rule is you do not talk about it.

I did quite a lot of prep work before starting on the animation. I created an inspiration board, gathering together all the elements that would serve as a basis or inspiration for my project. Screencaps from the movie provided a color pallatte. A dull brown/green color throughout with splashes of blue  (the narrator) or red (Tyler Durden). Additionally, sample typefaces textures and screencaps from similar looking motion graphics pieces. 
I went through the song first, just listening and jotting down notes and sketching ideas of what could be visualized. 
Then I created a rough storyboard of the video, not getting to much into detail, but just the general idea. I later created the 3D graphics in Cinema based off those sketches. 
Fight Club

Fight Club

An abstract motion graphics tribute to Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk (author) and David Fincher (director).
